Welcome to Cienega imports. Pat and Al DeRose are constantly bringing wines in from around the globe that offer incredible flavor and value. When not making wine for DeRose Vineyards, Alphonse travels to Chile to make and blend his Parrone line including the handcrafted Alchemy.
Come visit us for an miport tasting some weekend and try these great finds. You can also join our Import Wine Club. Click here.
Import Wine Club
Members have the option of receiving either two, four or six bottles each quarter from our hand-selected wines from around the world, including wines made by Alphonse DeRose.
Pricing is:
2 bottles pick-up from winery: $25.00
2 bottles shipped within California: $35.00
2 bottles shipped outside California: $35.00
4 bottles pick-up from winery: $50.00
4 bottles shipped within California: $60.00
4 bottles shipped outside California: $70.00
6 bottles pick-up from winery: $75.00
6 bottles shipped within California: $90.00
6 bottles shipped outside California: $105.00
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